Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Welcome to my blog

Howdy Y'all!
Welcome to my blog.
For some inexplicable reason I thought I might like to start a blog. Now for me that is quite a step as I usually eschew most things modern and technical. Yes, I used the word "eschew".
I don't expect anybody will actually read my blog. I'm not an incredibly interesting person with amazing things to pass on to others. I am a 40-year-old stay-at-home mom of two girls aged 5 and 10. I'll be 41 next week, and I don't mind telling you how old I am. It's better than the alternative, right?
For now, I will just use my blog as a place to post random thoughts, and if anybody reads them, great. Perhaps I will find out that there are others out there with similar interests, thoughts, beliefs as mine. However, I usually find that those people most similar in thought to me are about 20 years older than I am. But that's ok.
You'll see why I called it Ramblin' Rose. I tend to ramble, jumping from one thought to another. (and my middle name is Rose)
Now, I will go and decide if I really want to continue this adventure, or if this is going to be my first and last post.
Have a great day!!!
Ramblin' Rose

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